Monday, October 31, 2011

My 3 favorite web sites

The three websites that i like the most are YouTube, Yahoo and Google. Each one of them has unique features.

YouTube is a site for watching videos and commenting on those videos. I like it because it has no restrictions and is easy to navigate through videos and links. It has a search bar which helps you find videos you're searching for and then lines them up as hyperlinks below the search bar. Below each video lies a comment by the up-loader and comments by the viewers which is a very nice feature. I might use it.

Google is the site to go to whenever you want to search something because that's all it is, a browser site. Although the site is just a logo and a search bar, it is the most used website in the world(presumably). When you search the browser, the results appear under the search bar as links. This site is appealing mostly because of its simplicity and easy navigation. It's features are definitely ones that i will use.

The last but not least favorite site is Yahoo. Yahoo is a news site and provides info about the U.S.A. and also the world. It seems complicated at first but it's not that hard to navigate after a while. The large amount of info and links might confuse you. Yahoo is also a widely used site and gets a lot of hits because it is an online newspaper that everyone can read.What I like about the site is the fact that it is a news site and the way they portray the info with images and slides.

Those are my three favorite web sites and will serve as my inspirations for future web sites that i will create.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why do you need to learn HTML when designing web pages?

We need to learn HTML when designing web pages because it's the basic web page designing tool. We need to know the tags of HTML not just it's cool to know them, but it makes it possible for us to design a web page on computers that don't have Dreamweaver or just when we're too lazy to open it up. Instead of using Dreamweaver we can use Notepad without trouble if we know the HTML code. The HTML code is a need to know code especially if you're planing to become a web designer or something similar...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How often do I use the Internet and what for?

The Internet today is something that a kid can't go without. I surf the net almost everyday, just browsing mindlessly through sites. I usually start from my most visited sites like Armor or or and follow the links to their wonderful worlds of web sites. I don't stay on Facebook too much unless I wanna chat, which I, frankly, never do. From the other sites you know that I play a lot of games and once I start a new game, I'll stick to it until I finish it. My average completed mini-games in a day ranges from 1 to about 5. But I don't use the Internet just for playing games. I also like to go to Wikipedia or Merriam Webster once in a while to check up on something or just browse through words. I have to admit, it is kind of fun. That's how i use the Internet on a daily basis.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pros and Cons of Copyright Lawl

Copyright Law has destroyed the life of many average Joes but has also improved the life of many inventors, entrepreneurs, musicians and film makers. It is a mixed blessing because if you're a guy with an idea, then copyright law can protect that idea and can make you a lot of money if someone steals it or if it's just that good. And most people take advantage of that to make a lot of money and destroy their competition, like Apple. Apple today is the most famous copyrighted brand and had a clash with Samsung about the Galaxy Tab which was almost a replica of the Apple iPad. Apple owns most of the world market and still wants to eliminate it's competition for good. Although the Galaxy Tab is a copy of the iPad, people would still buy the iPad. Apple knows this but still goes on and keeps destroying Samsung. And if I were to change something about the copyright law, I would change it so it would apply only to me (who wouldn't :P).

Thursday, September 8, 2011

About Me

I'm the one in the middle :P
Hello, my name is Jovan Sarkanjac, I'm 15 years old and I attend Nova high school. I was born in Skopje, Macedonia and have lived there ever since. It's not a bad place to live, mainly because of the people and the size of the town.

I currently live with my parents and brother in a flat in Kapistec. My dad's name is Branko, and my mom is called Smilka. My brother, Petar is 11 and can literally shred on the guitar.  In my entire life i have never had a pet, but i'm hoping to get a dog soon, possibly a Golden Retriever or a Labrador.

I spend most of my leisure time playing the piano, playing PC games or just riding my bike through the streets of Skopje. I haven't given much thought to the future so i can't say for sure what will happen, but i would really like to go to college abroad or at least go abroad for a vacation.